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PlatormIO: ..Python 2.7 interpreter error

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger PlatormIO: ..Python 2.7 interpreter error

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  • Author
    • #13919
      Jim Moore
        I have installed Atom on my Windows 10 PC following the instructions in “Learn

      • #13924
        Jim Moore
          I have platformIO working with atom and get a compile error with the blink example.  I checked https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSe
        • #13926
          Jim Moore
            I figured out how to get terminal which is the sketch output window.  Took a while to realize that the .ini file overides the terminal settings and was at the wrong baud rate to test output from my s
          • #13928
            Sara Damiano
              pio lib uninstall xxx would mean “uninstall the library named xxx”.  You’d replace the “xxx” with the name of whatever library you’re trying to uninst
            • #13931
              Sara Damiano
                Copying only an h file into your directory is *not* the proper way to install a library.  You should list the library in the “lib_deps” section of your platformi
              • #13934
                Sara Damiano
                  As a beginner, I would suggest you pick either Atom OR VS Code – whichever one feels most intuitive to you – and use that one exclusively rather than attempting t
                • #13937
                  Jim Moore
                    I ran the “pio lib install” command and got the following:

                    Try to find answer in FAQ Troubleshooting section


                    * Report thi

                  • #13939
                    Jim Moore

                      screen shot

                    • #13944
                      Sara Damiano
                        You didn’t post the screenshot of the pio lib install so I’m not sure what’s happening there.

                        Try installing the libraries one after the other

                      • #13946
                        Jim Moore
                          Ok, I will try this.  If that doesn’t work shall I delete  “LearnEnviroDIYcode-master” that I downloaded in case the platform.ini file is corrupted?  Or should the above
                        • #13955
                          Sara Damiano
                            The platformio.ini file is just a text file.  If you can open it and view it, it’s not corrupted.

                            The commands I gave you should accomplish getting the libraries installed.  Sometimes when in

                          • #13956
                            Jim Moore

                              I reloaded my learnEnviroDIYcode-master to my /arduino directory

                              Here is a screen shot of errors I got when I ran pio lib install EnviroDIY_ModularSensors

                            • #13958
                              Sara Damiano

                                Did you try just running the same command a second time like I’d suggested?  Did it install any libraries?

                              • #13959
                                Jim Moore
                                  I rebooted my PC and same result.  Attached a screen shot of the error thread from initial command.

                                  Here is the first error

                                  [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being

                                • #13961
                                  Sara Damiano
                                    Could it be DropBox syncing?  If you have that folder set to automatically synchronize with anything, make sure you exclude the entire .pio folder and all of its subfolders from your synchronization.
                                  • #13962
                                    Jim Moore
                                      DropBox was the problem but unsyncing that folder didn’t work. pio didnt recognize as a project file.  I moved the project folder out of dropbox and build and load worked ok.

                                      Now I am trying t

                                    • #13964
                                      Sara Damiano
                                        Ctrl+S will save the file.  That keyboard shortcut works on almost all Windows programs, including VS Code, Atom, MS Word, Excel, etc.

                                        You can make the normal “file” menu visible in Atom

                                      • #13970
                                        Jim Moore
                                          Thanks Sara-

                                          I have worked my way thru part one of LearnEnviroDIY.  I am now trying to set up ModularSensors and Atom is telling me there is no platformio.ini file which there isn’t.  I attac

                                        • #13973
                                          Sara Damiano
                                            That’s the folder for the library itself.  You want to create your own separate folder for your logger deployment and its code.  Follow the steps from the tutorial, episode 9, in the section &
                                          • #13979
                                            Jim Moore
                                              I was able to compile and load DRWI_CitSci to my mayfly without sensors and no sim card for the GPRSbee.  It seemed to work as expected, wakeup, turn on power, and attempt a 2G connection and go to s
                                            • #13980
                                              Jim Moore
                                                Following the steps in episode 9 I right clicked on the simple_loging folder in https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/t
                                              • #13981
                                                Sara Damiano
                                                  In episode 9, copy and paste from the folder that you already saved on your computer from when you cloned the whole library not from GitHub.

                                                  You should generally create a whole new project f

                                                • #13983
                                                  Jim Moore
                                                    I uploaded DRWI_CitSci to my Mayfly board but I haven’t got to modifying this to work with my Atlas EZO sensors. I set up another project folder to load my Atlas setup code that I have been usin
                                                  • #13987
                                                    Sara Damiano
                                                      You need to include the Arduino library – add #include <Arduino.h> to the top of your program.  The Arduino IDE adds that automatically and does som
                                                    • #13992
                                                      Jim Moore
                                                        I added #include <Arduino.h> and still won’t build.  Can’t find SD.h which is in the adafruit library which I installed in my Arduino IDE  I download this program to my EC sensor s
                                                      • #13994
                                                        Sara Damiano
                                                          If you need the SD library in your program, you need to include it in your platformio.ini file in the lib_dep section.  Add RTCTimer and Sodaq_DS3231 there while you’re at it since it looks lik
                                                        • #13995
                                                          Jim Moore

                                                            Thanks Sara for all the info.  Glad to get a yes on my last two questions.  Now I can go ahead and active my SIM cards with Hologram.

                                                          • #14005
                                                            Scott Ensign
                                                              Hi Jim: I haven’t been following this thread but I’m excited that you are pushing through this to get your data streaming to MonitorMyWatershed! I’m glad Sara has been providing help
                                                            • #14009
                                                              Jim Moore
                                                                Hi Scott-
                                                                I was able to get my LowCostEC sensor station uploading to MonMW using the AtlasScientific library.  However what I really need is a <LowCostEC.h> li
                                                              • #14044
                                                                Sara Damiano
                                                                  It’s very, very intentional that ModularSensors uses that Atlas sensors only in I2C mode and I do not intend to change this.  When using Atlas sensors in UART mode, each sensor must have an
                                                                • #14048
                                                                  Jim Moore
                                                                    I don’t understand all the details but I get your point and no need to worry about baud rate!  I can change the pin connections on my proto-shields to the SDA and SCL pins, no problem.  Howeve
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