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Email alerts rough draft. Free to use

Home Forums Miscellaneous Email alerts rough draft. Free to use

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    • #17963
        Hey everyone! Here is a python program I wrote that downloads the csv file from monitor my water shed about a specific site and allows you to set up email alerts based on the readings. I will clean it
      • #18548
        Scott Ensign
          Hi Andrew. Thanks for sharing this code; I hope others have been able to implement this. @brianjastram recently asked if an “alarm” feature would be built into Monitor My Watershed (hopefu
        • #18551
            Hey Scott Thank you the suggesion! I am finishing up a django web-app so folks can implement alarms with rain pauses without any coding. I will be sure to include Hey Scott Thank you the suggesion! I am finishing up a django web-app so folks can implement alarms with rain pauses without any coding. I will be sure to include srgdamiano‘s code to make things more efficient!

            Here is a demo of the alarm app if anyone is intersted!

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