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Negative Voltage Reading from Single-ended ADC Using Apogee SP-212-SS Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Negative Voltage Reading from Single-ended ADC Using Apogee SP-212-SS Sensor

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  • Author
    • #17784
        I am trying to get shortwave radiation readings from an Apogee pyranometer (SP-212-SS model). I am new to electronics and microcontrollers, so there could be a lot of places I am going wrong here. I a
      • #17787
        Shannon Hicks
          First you should attach the sensor’s clear wire to the GND pin of the screw terminal board along with the black wire.

          Second, the sensor needs at least 5 volts of excitation power, and the jump

        • #17791
            Thank you for your reply! That definitely helped. I think the only thing I’m still confused on is the output channel. You mentioned that the white wire in the uppermost grove jack is connected t
          • #17792
            Shannon Hicks
              You’re right, you correctly have your sensor’s signal white wire connected to the Grove cable white wire, which goes to the AA1 pin of the Aux Analog grove jack, so you can disregard my su
            • #17803
                Okay sounds good. I was also wondering, Shannon, if you might be able to help me out with something. I’m looking to attach a suite of sensors to the Mayfly that have a mixture of analog outputs
                • #17804
                  Shannon Hicks
                    Questions about implementing new hardware configuration or adding new sensors are best asked here on the EnviroDIY forum in the appropriate category.  While I’m the designer of the Mayfly Logge
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