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MMW Site Download Sensor Data

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed MMW Site Download Sensor Data

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  • Author
    • #18378
      Jake Lemon
        Hi All,

        The Download Sensor Data function doesn’t seem to be working. I get a message saying “site wasn’t available”. This has been reported by volunteers as well.



      • #18379
        Heather Brooks
          Thanks for posting, Jake. The data download problem appears to have occurred after the

        • #18380
          Jim Moore
            I note the data server is still down.  My Mac response is attached.  “download.html” doesent show in my download file which I assume is because file doesn’t exist.  Any update on
          • #18382
            Heather Brooks

              @aufdenkampe, any update on this?

            • #18383
              Jim Moore

                here is attachment

              • #18385
                Jim Moore

                  Since the data server still appears to be down is ther any way to download data via TSI which does seem to be working?

                • #18387
                  Heather Brooks

                    @jlemontu-org @w3asa, the LimnoTech team has pushed out a fix for this issue. Please give it a try and confirm you are now able to download data.

                  • #18388
                    Jake Lemon

                      It is working now. Thanks!

                    • #18391
                      Jim Moore

                        I thought it wasn’t working on my Mac using Chrome but realized the download is slow.  Took about 5 minutes to download a 6 MB file but no problems with the file.

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