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Mayfly version 0.5b data accuracy/validity

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly version 0.5b data accuracy/validity


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    • #16960

        Our Mayfly 0.5b has been redeployed after sitting in storage for more than a year.  Yesterday I downloaded a week’s worth of data and I’m wondering how to tell if it is accurate and

      • #16961
          The CTD does not allow an internal calibration, but we do a calibration in the lab with conductivity standards and apply the calibrated data as a calculated variable.

          This is maybe semantics, but the

        • #16971
            One aspect of measurements the Mayfly does manage is the time. If the small battery gets used up, then it will reset to a default time. Another way of checking time is roughly accurate (+/ couple hour
          • #16994
            Shannon Hicks
              DaveG, since you inherited a monitoring station from a previous owner, you didn’t get the full training we give station owners when we teach a workshop and/or install a station for them.  I wou
            • #16995
                Hi Shannon,

                Thank you once again for your thoughtful and thorough reply – as well as for your patience and understanding of my Mayfly ignorance for not having attended a workshop.

                I greatly ap

              • #17935

                  After collecting nearly a year’s worth of data, it is clear that the depth sensor values are all over the place.  I’m attaching a file that shows the variability between the staff ga

                • #17937
                  Shannon Hicks
                    The CTD sensor you have is a digital output sensor, meaning all of the measurement happens onboard the sensor and it outputs a string of 3 numbers, all the Mayfly logger board is doing is capturing th
                  • #17938
                      Hi Shannon,

                      Thanks again for such a prompt and thorough reply, yet again.

                      We have continuous data starting in last July.  The variation in depth over four months was consistently in the neighborhoo

                    • #17939
                        I just reviewed the data during the week of 12/19/22.  There was a quite a spell with board temps down to -17 but I didn’t see any evidence of freezing in the data.  The turbidity sensors appe
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