DaveG replied to the topic Mayfly version 0.5b data accuracy/validity in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years, 7 months ago
I just reviewed the data during the week of 12/19/22. There was a quite a spell with board temps down to -17 but I didn’t see any evidence of freezing in the data. The turbidity sensors appeared to be recording as normal (didn’t go to zero at all) and the depth didn’t show any big increase (as was illustrated in the troubleshooting s…[Read more]
DaveG replied to the topic Mayfly version 0.5b data accuracy/validity in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years, 7 months ago
Hi Shannon,
Thanks again for such a prompt and thorough reply, yet again.
We have continuous data starting in last July. The variation in depth over four months was consistently in the neighborhood of +265-275mm. There was a period of very cold temps around Christmas and the edge of the stream froze but I don’t think that the probes were e…[Read more]
DaveG replied to the topic Mayfly version 0.5b data accuracy/validity in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 years, 7 months ago
After collecting nearly a year’s worth of data, it is clear that the depth sensor values are all over the place. I’m attaching a file that shows the variability between the staff gauge and the mayfly depth sensor. There doesn’t seem to be any pattern to the variation that I can determine. I tried graphing the data to see if something wo…[Read more]
DaveG replied to the topic relocating mayfly in the forum Monitor My Watershed 2 years ago
Thank you. I’ve seen some of the videos but the guide should be important for the most relevant sessions in the videos.
DaveG replied to the topic MayFly Data Logger During Winter in the forum Monitor My Watershed 2 years ago
I’m in south central PA and haven’t taken the probes out of the water for the winter. It seems like that would defeat the purpose of monitoring conductivity spikes from road salt – after snow storms.
I know that the CTD probe isn’t supposed to freeze but I am leaving it deployed and checking it weekly when cleaning probes/swapping data…[Read more]
DaveG replied to the topic relocating mayfly in the forum Monitor My Watershed 2 years ago
Thank you for reaching out. I haven’t updated the UUID on the mayfly because I’m not clear on how to do it and not mess up the sketches that it is running. Not having attended a mayfly workshop, I don’t really know much about coding/reprogramming the unit.
Any advice/instructions you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I’ve pe…[Read more]
DaveG started the topic relocating mayfly in the forum Miscellaneous 2 years, 6 months ago
Our mayfly has been moved to a new location. I’ve created a new site registration on MMW but when I try to upload data (CSV format, 1 week’s data) I get the following error message: “Failed to upload data. This file corresponds to another site.”
I don’t have access to the log-in or site data for the previous site because the person who s…[Read more]
DaveG replied to the topic Mayfly version 0.5b data accuracy/validity in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 9 months ago
Hi Shannon,
Thank you once again for your thoughtful and thorough reply – as well as for your patience and understanding of my Mayfly ignorance for not having attended a workshop.
I greatly appreciate you sharing your time and knowledge. Your reply above is quite helpful.
The board already has corrosion issues on the main chip- likely…[Read more]
DaveG started the topic Mayfly version 0.5b data accuracy/validity in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 9 months ago
Our Mayfly 0.5b has been redeployed after sitting in storage for more than a year. Yesterday I downloaded a week’s worth of data and I’m wondering how to tell if it is accurate and that the CTD probes are working as they should.
From a quick scan of the data I’ve noticed a few things.
- the battery voltage is holding steady at above 4.0.…
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 11 months ago
St. Patrick’s Day miracle…
Chip cleaned with 91% but still a bit corroded – but Adafruit CP2104 manually attached (not soldered) and iMac picked up the com port, I adjusted baud rate until gibberish became legible. Will have the adapter soldered together and we should have a working machine.
Thanks so much for your time and help!
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 11 months ago
Thanks, Shannon.
I’ll try to clean it up a bit this afternoon but I think the corrosion is pretty bad – based on the image.
I’ll keep an eye out on Amazon to see when the single boards become available.
Thank you again for your time and help.
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 11 months ago
Hi Shannon,
We got the Adafruit adapter and sent it and the board to a local university where our intern is from to have the engineering dept. do the soldering. A couple of issues came up. One is that the pattern on the Adafruit adapter doesn’t match the screen printing on the board… but the bigger issue is that the artel/main chip looks l…[Read more]
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 12 months ago
Hi Shannon,
I replaced the battery with a new one when I started this process of trying to revive the Mayfly. The original battery may have still been good, but it was several years old and the unit has been sitting for a year or so – so I figured it would be best to start fresh with a new battery.
The board doesn’t have a modem so time…[Read more]
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Hi Shannon,
Thanks for the info. I downloaded the drivers at the link provided and restarted my computer but still no additional ports appear when Arduino is open and the mayfly is connected, turned on.
I’ve ordered a new micro usb/usb-c data cable that should be arriving today. This will let me check on 2 variables; 1) it will allow me to h…[Read more]
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Thanks. I’ve done everything the video shows already, but there is no additional port popping up when I turn on the mayfly.
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
I’ve tried unsuccessfully to download and install drivers from the tutorial – some of the links were bad and then if I could download a driver, the installation was blocked b/c extension issue.
This is way over my head and I am so grateful for your time and help but I feel like I am just going in a circle
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
ok, I just downloaded Arduino yesterday. Should I maybe try the beta version for the latest update?
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
I don’t have any other ports as options to select. The only other thing it says is “serial ports” but that is greyed out and not able to be selected.
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Understood. I added Arduino to programs that can open ports/get past firewall on the Mac but is still only showing the same bluetooth port info for the Mayfly. I just did a quick search online and other folks have been having this problem too.
DaveG replied to the topic pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
so I thought I’d try it with the micro sd card removed… then I captured the following images of the Arduino program and the serial monitor – but still no port prompt, although mayfly appears to be “seen”
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