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Keller CTD Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Keller CTD Sensor

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  • Author
    • #16317
        I am looking for some feedback from the EnviroDIY community on a new sensor to try with the Mayfly — Keller – Series 36XiW-CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth). I have attached the spec
      • #16318
        Shannon Hicks
          We haven’t used that sensor at Stroud, but after looking at the spec sheet, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work with one of our newer Mayfly models that generates 12v.  You’ll ne
        • #16321
            Hi Dan

            Very interesting  – I like that  conductivity measurement port  up from the depth measurement port – out of the mud so to speak. It looks to be at least 30mm up the sensor colum

          • #16332
            Anthony Aufdenkampe
              I’ll second Neil, and say that Keller sensor are very high quality and work really well with Mayfly RS485 integrations. I’ve helped deploy many AccuLevel sensors.

              There’s a small ch

            • #16343
                Thanks for the information everyone, I really appreciate it!

                It sounds like RS485 is the way to go if I want to keep it simpler and use methods similar (hopefully) to the Acculevel 0r Nanolevel senso

              • #16419
                  Hi Dan, wow interesting it works to 3.2V.  Yes RS485 should work well and it can go a long distance.

                  You do need a physical RS485 driver wing board that will fit with the UART pins. RS485 is a speci

                • #16420
                    Thanks for the advice Neil, I think you helped me figure out a path forward here. I have a stream with long-term monitoring data that I do not want to interrupt, so my inclination is to use a sensor t
                  • #16711
                      @dan-wachusett   I’ve just done quite a bit more work with modbus protocol, including developing an InsituModbus and though I would share here what I found out.

                      What its shown me is that poss

                    • #16716
                        A further note on developing a new interface over Modbus; is to then check that when its running the instrument is actually reporting well over that interface.

                        I’ve integrated an LT500 Modbus i

                      • #16762

                          I think we will be able to purchase one Keller CTD this year and I will work on getting it going on the Mayfly 1.1 in whatever spare time I can find in my schedule. I appreciate all the

                        • #16784
                            Great – I’ve asked https://www.instrumart.com/ if they plan on stocking it.

                            Something to note, a bit strange, is it comes up in SDI-12 mode, and needs an initial configuration to switch

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