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RS485 Schematic

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger RS485 Schematic

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    • #16263

        HI @shicks, just wondering could you post the schematic/parts on the “RS-485 Half-shield”

        https://www.envirodiy.org/product/envirodiy-rs-485-half-shield-pack-of-5/  Says “Product expected to be in stock and ready for purchase in mid-October.”

        Do you have any availability on it, and also when there might be a working +12V boost ~ very broadly Q2 or Q3?

        many thanks

      • #16295

          @shicks just wondering if the RS485 schematic is likely to be published, and of course if the parts are likely to be available. Many thanks.

        • #16296
          Shannon Hicks

            We’ll be making an announcement next week about the release of the RS485 board, along with updates to the latest Mayfly design which includes good news about the 12v boost option.  We’ll also be making some updates to the website to make it much easier for people to see the when and where all of our products are in stock, release dates, compatibility charts, and frequent updates on product development status.

          • #16297

              Hey great. Many thanks

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