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IDE and Mayfly not communicating

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger IDE and Mayfly not communicating

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    • #17644
        I am having trouble getting my IDE/laptop and Mayfly to talk to each other. I have installed the EnviroDIY ATmega Boards package and have the EnviroDIY Mayfly 1284p selected as my active board. For my
      • #17648
        Shannon Hicks
          If you disconnect your Mayfly board from the computer, does COM3 still show up as an active device on your computer?  I’m guessing that COM3 is actually another com port on your machine, like a
        • #17651
            I have swapped out the cable for one that has transmitted data for other devices and I am getting the same thing. My board receives power, but it doesn’t talk with my computer. The attached pict
          • #17653
            Shannon Hicks
              Thanks for the screenshot, that shows the Mayfly board is being seen by the computer, so it’s not a cable or Mayfly issue.  But Windows doesn’t know how to use the Mayfly correctly as a U
            • #17654

                It is working now! Thank you for helping me through that!

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