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Hydros-21 Depth Temp Compensation

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Hydros-21 Depth Temp Compensation

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  • Author
    • #14919
        My Hydros21 CTD-10 sensor depth output is highly affected by the diurnal stream temp fluctuations by upwards of 15 mm sometimes. This issue was noted in forum post # 13557:

        I recently

      • #15324
        Scott Ensign
          Hi Dan,

          We recently did some internal testing of this issue and will post results soon. We don’t have a “fix”, but we did measure this behavior to guide our own interpretation of da

        • #15378
            Hi Scott, I look forward to seeing your test results. Meter Group exchanged my Gen 1 Hydros21 with a brand new Gen2. I am programming it right now and will post new results after I test it. We are gea
          • #15383
            Matt Barney

              Hi Dan,

              I’m curious whether it’s possible to identify Gen 1 vs Gen 2 Hydros21; are they labeled? I’m wondering what I’ve got.



            • #15476

                Sorry for the delayed response. You probably have the Gen 1 Hydros 21 sensor since the Gen 2 is brand new and I think I may have been the first one to get it. In fact, I can’t even use it

              • #15477
                  Hi @dan-wachusett. I am about to order 10 x Hydros 21 units from METER Group. I have been told that they will be Gen 1, but Gen 2 will be released in a few weeks’ time. I’m trying to ge
                • #15478
                  Shannon Hicks
                    We recently received a Gen 2 Hyrdos 21 CTD sensor from Meter Group and have confirmed that it works just fine with the Mayfly Data Logger, and using our Modular Sensors library, with just a very small
                  • #15479
                      Thanks @shicks, great to know. Would you recommend that I push back on them for Gen-2 sensors, even if they take a bit longer to get here? It seems silly to rush things through and end up with an in
                    • #15480
                      Shannon Hicks
                        We just got the sensor and haven’t done any comparison tests alongside the Gen 1 sensor to see if there’s a difference, so I can’t comment yet on anything data-wise, we just know tha
                      • #15521
                          There’s an example sketch in the Modular Sensors GitHub Repository with a calculated variable correction for water temperature (really it’s density, so it’s called rho and density in
                        • #15614
                            Thanks @fisherba… I will take a look at the updated sketch. It seems like this correction should be part of the device firmware, but perhaps it was modified at some point and not included. I may
                          • #15616
                            Shannon Hicks
                              The Hydros-21 sensor already does internal temperature compensation of the depth data, so you shouldn’t have to provide your own compensation.  The sensor outputs the depth readings in millimet
                            • #15626
                                Thanks Shannon, that is sound advice. We have 7 new Gen 2 Hydros-21 sensors and I will be delving in to this more later this summer. I do plan to test them in a controlled environment to make sure tha
                              • #15627
                                  Hi @dan-wachusett – I’d be interested to hear how your measurements work out.

                                  This is what I did for acceptance testing (and

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