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Connecting XBee3 LTE to the internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Connecting XBee3 LTE to the internet

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  • Author
    • #13310
      Matt Barney
        I have a Mayfly 0.5b that I am trying to set up with a new XBee3, but have been unable to get an internet connection. The RSSI values are always zero. The serial monitor indicates “Could not con
      • #13312
        Sara Damiano
          Hm. You have the LiPo plugged in in addition to the USB, right?

          Are you sure you have service and the antenna is well connected? Don’t yank the antenna off unless you really have to; those u.

        • #13316
          Matt Barney
            Hi Sara,

            Initially I was testing on USB power only, but will now keep the LiPo plugged in as well, though no success so far with that. (I’m guessing the LiPo is needed to provide adequate curre

          • #13317
            Matt Barney
              I modified line endings and changed the wait time to 30 minutes: modem.connectInternet(1800000L). I then had to leave and left the Mayfly running overnight. Still no data at MMW, but I now see connect
            • #13319
                I had a similar problem – see my comment in https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/trouble-registering-with-lte-m-network-on-hologram/
                The fix that seemed to work was if it didn’t connect after
              • #13322
                Sara Damiano
                  Oops. So, it never tried for longer than 15 minutes with that sketch because the watchdog doesn’t get “fed” while it’s waiting for the internet and it “bites” (ie,
                • #13324
                  Matt Barney
                    Neil and Sara, thank you both! Last night, before seeing your posts, I began testing again while in a different location (happens to be much more remote). I switched to Bypass mode last night, and it
                  • #13329
                    Sara Damiano
                      Yay! That’s more like it.

                      There are several posts and GitHub issues comparing the two but here’s a quick summary:

                      + connects to the network faster
                      + near 100% success in sending

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