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Trouble registering with LTE-M network on Hologram

Home Forums Miscellaneous Trouble registering with LTE-M network on Hologram

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  • Author
    • #13170
      Adam Gold
        I’ve run into an issue registering our modems on the Hologram network (AT&T), and I wanted to see if anyone else using LTE-M has had the same issue or had possible fixes. We are using the S
      • #13171
        Sara Damiano
          Yes, I’ve seen this sort of thing.

          Well, not precisely, but similar. The Digi LTE XBee3’s have the same chip and I’ve seen it happen several times that the XBee refused to register

        • #13172
          Sara Damiano

            Do you have the latest u-blox firmware?

          • #13173
            Adam Gold
              Interesting, thanks for the reply! It’s odd that bypass mode works for the Xbees because the Sodaq Ubee I think is always talking directly to the Ublox.

              I don’t have the latest firmware

            • #13180
              Sara Damiano
                I don’t have a uBee with the R410M, but I’ve updated a whole bunch of the Digi boards with the u-blox “Easy Flash” software and direct USB to the SARA chip. You should be able
              • #13223
                Adam Gold
                  Thanks, @srgdamiano! I think that the “CEREG” change helped with the registration issue. I’m still not able to get ModularSensors 0.23.16 up and running, though. Seems like another m
                • #13224
                    Adam, Maybe give ModularSensors 0.23.11 a try. See https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/response-code-504-sending-data-to-data-envirodiy-org/
                    It’s kind of working for me and Dan. Currently though I&#
                  • #13225
                    Adam Gold
                      Hi Brian, I wasn’t able to get version 0.23.11 to work, but I think my issue is related to code for the Sodaq Ubee R410M modem that I’m using (and possibly PlatformIO). I do get a 504 send
                    • #13236
                        Thanks for the tips here.
                        I’ve also had trouble with a new Hologram SIM registering to the cell network with a Digi XB3M1.
                        I had a working hologram SIM that connected straight away, and then w
                      • #13248
                        Sara Damiano

                          I’m sorry I haven’t been responding on this. I’ve been working on other data projects and haven’t had a chance to look into this at all yet.

                        • #13249
                            No problem – I appreciate the earlier tip.
                            What I haven’t figure out is there another manual that specifies +CREG cmd – it isn’t in the user manual I’m using.
                            I hav
                          • #13250
                            Sara Damiano
                              What manual are you using? CREG, CGREG, and CEREG are all in the AT commands manual for the SARA R4: https://www.u-blox.com/sites/default/files/SARA-R4_ATCommands_%28UBX-17003787%29.pdf

                              CREG = Netw

                            • #13251
                              Sara Damiano
                                I hate trying to read any detailed explanations of cellular network architecture because there are a truly ridiculous number of acronyms used and I don’t use any of them enough to remember what
                              • #13252
                                  Yup – the network is challenging when making it work, and adding to the biggest and most diverse machine in the world.
                                  I’ve been more the old wireline, POTS to ISDN (now ADSL) – m
                                • #13253
                                  Sara Damiano
                                    The Digi documents don’t tell you what commands are exchanged between the u-blox chip – I don’t if the response the XBee3 gives to the “ATAI” command is based on CREG, CE
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