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Hydros 21/Decagon CTD: reading error

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Hydros 21/Decagon CTD: reading error

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    • #14387
        This being our first year implementing our EnviroDIY unit, we are trying to keep it simple and are only using one sensor: the Hydros 21 (which, if I am not mistaken, is also known as the Decagon CTD).
      • #14392
        Sara Damiano
          Are you sure you’re SDI-12 address is set correctly?  You can use this program to check/change it:  https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/blob/master/tools/sdi12_address_change/sdi12_add
        • #14393
          Shannon Hicks
            As Sara suggested, the issue is probably related to the SDI-12 address of the sensor. Meter Group ships all of their sensors with a default SDI-12 address of “0” (zero). They do this bec
          • #14394

              It worked! Thank you, thank you!  I very much appreciate all the help.

            • #17065
                Hello all. I have recently been delivered two of the newest versions of the Hydros 21 CTD sensors. They are replacing two that were destroyed after a year in the field. Anyway, with these new sensors,
              • #17066
                Shannon Hicks
                  We’ve seen this behavior with some of the new CTD sensors as well.  It seems that when you give it a new address using the b_address_change sketch, the sensor needs to be told the new address m
                • #17103
                  Matt Barney
                    We’ve just had a failure to communicate with our newest Hydros 21 sensors (likely Gen 2). While I’ve had success setting the address with the b_address_change sketch, my standard Mayfly co
                    • #17104
                      Shannon Hicks
                        Yes, it’s just one line (currently line 107) of the MeterHydros21.h file that contains the most important change, which is this line:  define HYDROS21_MEASUREMENT_TIME_MS 1000

                        The previous set

                    • #18293
                      We wrote Program for Interfacing Hydros sensor 21 with Arduino Uno board using SDI-12 interface and saw the result on serial monitor . We tried a lot in implementing a program for connecting sensor di
                    • #18301
                      Sara Damiano
                        @bibhutibikramaditya Exactly what output are you getting?  You’re not asking for data in your script, so you should only be getting a response like “00013” not any data values.


                      • #18307
                        Dear Sara
                        <div>      Following are the asnwers:</div>
                        <div>1.We are getting long Garbage data like some art ..square, or some numbers some times like…..for long..</div>
                      • #18309
                        Sara Damiano
                          Are you sure your serial port monitor is set to the same baud rate as the serial baud rate in your program?  Usually when there are nothing but junk characters, it’s a baud rate mis-match. I wo
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