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Case for Lower Threshold Voltage on Mayfly Stations

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Case for Lower Threshold Voltage on Mayfly Stations

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  • Author
    • #15175
      Jim Moore
        I have attached a document I wrote up on some battery testing I have been doing.  My conclusion is that a modem cutoff voltage 3.3 Volts shouldbe used rather than the 3.55 that is in the code I used
      • #15177
        Sara Damiano
          I’m confused by your tests and your results.  The purpose of having the voltage threshold for data upload is to conserve power for the sensors so that data will still be *collected* as long as
        • #15178
          Shannon Hicks
            We typically code our stations to cutoff modem transmissions at 3.45v, and file operations at 3.4v.  The Mayfly will stop operating around 3.35v, so if you set your modem cutoff too low, then youR
          • #15179
            Sara Damiano
              The bottom cut-off (below which the logger will only sleep) exists so that when a near-dead or completely dead solar-powered logger suddenly sees sunshine it gives the battery some time to charge befo
            • #15180
              Matt Barney
                Hi Jim,

                Thanks for sharing your findings; this is interesting and useful for me. I’ve been thinking about battery capacity and power consumption issues recently and have used a coulomb counter

              • #15188
                Jim Moore
                  Couple of clarifications:

                  • The discharge is a fixed load of 22Ω so ohm’s law works!
                  • My question is why is the Mayfly station drawing less and less current as it approaches
                • #15189
                  Matt Barney
                    Thanks Jim. Ohm’s law – copy that! 🙂

                    The coulomb counter I’m using is from Sparkfun. It pulses one of its pins low each time t

                  • #15196
                      Jim fascinating, thanks for sharing and been re-reading your document a couple of times.

                      (I’m redoing my previous post as I got a bit excited with a power discussion).

                      I use a higher threshold

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