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Battery Measurement accuracy

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Battery Measurement accuracy

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    • #14181
        @shicks, I’m just wondering if you have the range of measurement accuracy for measuring batteryV, when running off the battery.

        I’m using Mayfly 0.5b, but getting  some strange results w

      • #14182
          So just checking, the Vbat voltage range. I’ve an application that doesn’t have a solar panel.     I’m trying to figure out     1) can a LiSOCl2  3.6V 19Ahr be used  2) 3*D M
        • #14184
            Here is some new data. I had the FTDI cable connected, and seems like it was influencing things somehow. I cut the RX (always high ~ 3.5V) and that changed the way Q1 is turned on. Still not sure why.
          • #14667
              So just to add some more characterization measurements.

              I’m using a Mayfly Sn 20395, and attempting to characterize what range the readings from the Mayfly ADC Vbat are linear when it is only p

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