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Reply To: Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor Reply To: Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor

Shannon Hicks

    Did you make sure the sensor is properly wired to your Mega, (tip to 5v, sleeve to GND, and ring to data) and that the pin number in the sketch matches whatever pin number you connected the data line to?  If all the wiring is correct, then it might be an issue with the latest SDI12 library that a few people have reported.  You could try replacing all of the latest SDI12 library files you downloaded (the entire folder) and replace it with a stable legacy version (v2.1.4) from a few years ago (https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Arduino-SDI-12/tree/v2.1.4) and see if that fixes it.