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Reply To: Reading -9999 on all Sensors

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Reading -9999 on all Sensors Reply To: Reading -9999 on all Sensors

Shannon Hicks

    In your 4th picture, it looks like the Grove cable plug may not fully be seated in the grove jack.  Not sure about any of the other ones since the angles in the photos didn’t show them well, but be sure that it’s pressed all the way into the jack.  And your second photo shows that your two SDI12 Grove jack voltage selection jumpers are both set to the default 3.3v position.  As stated above, the ClariVue sensor requires 12v to operate, and since you’re not using one of the 12v boost screw terminal boards, (photo 3 shows the standard 6-position multipurpose screw terminal board), then you’ve got to select 12v on the Grove jack where you’ve got the turbidity sensor connected.  Also look at the bottom of the screw terminal board and make sure there are solder blobs on the 3 solder jumpers, all in the default position (there’s a photo of the bottom of the board on the product page, showing the 3 possible solder jumper positions)

    I assume you plugged both sensors into the Mayfly for the photo, but remember that you need to fully disconnect one of them if you’re trying to set the SDI12 channel.  The sketch you sent looks like it’s been slightly modified from the original one that’s included in the SDI12 library’s example (which can be found here: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Arduino-SDI-12/blob/master/examples/b_address_change/b_address_change.ino).  I would recommend you use the original sketch, with only one sensor attached, making sure both ends of the Grove cable are plugged in securely, and that you use 12v on the one for the turbidity sensor.