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Reply To: Could not wake modem for clock sync.

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Could not wake modem for clock sync. Reply To: Could not wake modem for clock sync.

Noori Nagra


    I am still sadly having some difficulties and was wondering if you could help me overcome them.

    This is the output I am recieving:

    Now running DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino on Logger Logger_GeorgeSchool_Creek

    Using ModularSensors Library version 0.34.0
    TinyGSM Library version 0.11.5

    Logger timezone is set to UTC -5
    RTC timezone is set to UTC
    Current RTC time is: 2024-03-26T18:13:54-05:00
    Current localized logger time is: 2024-03-26T13:13:54-05:00
    TurbHigh has a non-unique UUID!
    Battery has an invalid UUID!
    BoardTemp has an invalid UUID!
    dccb783f-477b-45f4-846c-9f4e9245a9bc -> Hydros21cond
    3de9d1c9-642e-4b60-b45b-07d718261ff6 -> Hydros21temp
    6e56ba5a-8ba2-4ba1-bd3e-240cd25fa4c0 -> Hydros21depth
    fbfdb500-c8dc-4c4e-9de8-1a8828e3b4f6 -> TurbLow
    -> TurbHigh
    -> Battery
    -> BoardTemp
    -> signalPercent

    This logger has a variable array with 8 variables, of which 7 come from 5 sensors and 1 are calculated.
    Sampling feature UUID is: 21815a48-9cf3-4e20-84af-39dd1dda7397
    Logger portion of setup finished.

    Setting up sensors…
    Waking modem and setting Cellular Carrier Options…
    Attempting to connect to the internet and synchronize RTC with NIST
    This may take up to two minutes!
    Clock already within 5 seconds of time.
    Setting up file on SD card
    Data will be saved as Logger_GeorgeSchool_Creek_2024-03-26.csv
    Putting processor to sleep

    I think that the problem is coming from my UUIDS and Modem. Out of all of the UUIDS on the variable list, I don’t have both ones for the turbidity sensor, I only have one, where can I find the two for TurbLow and TurbHigh. Further, I don’t have the DS3231, Battery, or Signal Percent UUIDS. Where can I locate these?

    Thank you so much!
