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  • @diatrix Have you tried getting a quote for the Proteus? Maybe is worth it until the technology is more widely available.
    Thanks for the video, I had no idea of that environmental problem, I’m actually going to El Cuyo on Sunday, and later to other parts of Yu, and visit Tulu, the week after next. Are you at an NGO, University? Maybe there is a…[Read more]

    • I tried to get the quote, but I didn’t get a reply. It was a few months back. I also asked for a data sheet, so maybe they were afraid that I’d get something from it.
      I’m part of Red Tulum Sostenible, an NGO, but the project is my own. Most comercial cenotes are fine. Maybe avoid cenote CarWash, for it’s proximity to the garbage dump.
      As for…[Read more]