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Wiring Ultrasonic sensor w/ temp compensator

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Wiring Ultrasonic sensor w/ temp compensator

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  • Author
    • #2253
      Luis Andres Guillen
        I am trying to get a Ultrasonic sensor to work. Hope I can get help with 3 questions:

        1. I need to wire the temperature compensator Maxbotic MB7955 to the Ultrasonic sensor MB7389. I have alread

      • #2255
        Shannon Hicks
          The temperature compensation sensor for the Maxbotix sensor doesn’t interact with the Mayfly at all. It’s connected directly to the ultrasonic sensor’s pin #1, so the Mayfly doesn&#
        • #2262
          Luis Andres Guillen

            Hello Shannon,
            Did you have a chance to take the pictures of the wiring setup. Or are they posted somewhere else?
            Thank you in advance!
            Luis Andres Guillen

          • #2278
            • #2279
              Sara Damiano
                The red cable from the MaxTemp goes to pin 1 on the MaxSonar. The shield (yellow) and black cables from the MaxTemp both go to pin 7 on the MaxSonar. Pin 7 on the MaxSonar is also connected to groun
              • #2351
                Luis Andres Guillen
                  Thank you Sara,
                  I got to work with the example sketch. Hurra!
                  I have seen how much work you have put into the ModularSensors library, and I was trying to make that work, but I’m stuck in tryin
                • #2353
                  Sara Damiano
                    I’m sorry for the library download trouble! How are you trying to download them? The easiest way is to get all the libraries for the Arduino IDE is pull them all together from the libraries re
                  • #2355
                      Hi all,

                      I just wired up a temp compensation on MB7389, and after I dumped everything and re-cloned the modular library master branch (managed through GitHub Desktop) after the re-clone it worked for

                    • #2357
                      Sara Damiano

                        I’m sorry, I’ll have to look into why you’re getting some values that are too high.

                      • #2358
                        Luis Andres Guillen

                          Thanks Sara, I got the libraries installed now! existed to try out the new modules! Stroud rocks!

                        • #2359
                          Luis Andres Guillen
                            I get the same issue with the single sensor sketch. A value that is 6 meters or 5 meters more than reality.

                            I also cannot get the arduino to get the actual time. it starts and stays in 01-01-2000. A

                          • #2360
                            Luis Andres Guillen

                              I have the Mayfly v 0.4 could that be the issue? .

                            • #2383
                              Luis Andres Guillen
                                Hello community! I still have the issue with the data loggers time step. The mayfly doesn’t read my computers time and is not updating. Do you know what could be reason for that problem and how
                              • #14377
                                Matt Barney
                                  Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but it is exactly on-topic for my situation.

                                  I’m confused about wiring the MaxTemp. The

                                • #14378
                                  Sara Damiano
                                    Follow the datasheet.  If the docs for ModularSensors disagree they’re probably outdated or just wrong.  I’m s..l..o..w..l..y.. working through the documentation and transferring to a Do
                                  • #14383
                                    Matt Barney

                                      OK, thanks Sara. I really like the look and layout of the new Doxygen docs. Thanks for all your efforts!


                                    • #14414
                                      Matt Barney
                                        I’ve probably done something dumb in my code, but can’t see what it is, so I could use another set of eyes on it…

                                        I’ve got a MaxBotix MB7589 SCXL-MaxSonar-WRMT and have it com

                                      • #14423
                                        Matt Barney
                                          I think my code must not be catching the interrupt properly. It doesn’t get beyond this line in MaxBotixSonar.cpp:


                                        • #14469
                                          Matt Barney

                                            Any ideas why AltSoftSerial works here, but NeoSWSerial doesn’t?

                                          • #14470
                                            Sara Damiano
                                              Oops, sorry that I missed this.

                                              Are you using slashDevin’s original NeoSWSerial or are you using my fork? (It’s in SRGDamia1, not EnviroDIY.)  The original didn’t implement the pee

                                            • #14471
                                              Matt Barney

                                                Yep, that was it. When I didn’t find the library in EnviroDIY, I just grabbed it from slashdevin’s original. Now that I have your fork of NeoSWSerial, it works. Thanks!

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