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Sending Data Through Verizon Network

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Sending Data Through Verizon Network

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  • Author
    • #13228
      Jake Lemon
        Hi All,

        I have a station deployed in a location with marginal cell coverage via AT&T. Verizon seems to be have better coverage. Can we update the Mayfly to send data through the Verizon network?

      • #13230
        Shannon Hicks
          The Mayfly stations with 4G-LTE modules that we deployed for you earlier this year were all configured to only use AT&T as the provider, but since then we have tweaked the code to allow them to w
        • #13232
          Jake Lemon

            Thanks Shannon! I’ll see what I can do.

          • #13233
            Matt Barney
              Hi Shannon, I’ll be helping Jake modify the code for our loggers according to your instructions. I’m wondering whether I should start with the code that was installed on our loggers when t
            • #13234
              Shannon Hicks
                The code we put on your loggers a few months ago needs to be replaced with the newer version because the latest updates account for the addition of Verizon as a carrier, and make a few other tweaks to
              • #13237
                Matt Barney

                  Great – Thanks Shannon!


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