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Mobile Sensor Platform?

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Mobile Sensor Platform?

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    • #13304
        Hi Guys, brand new here, so apologies for redundant questions etc.

        I am in the process of building a mobile sensor platform, i.e. one that can be thrown into a daypack on a hike or floats behind a

      • #13305
        Sara Damiano
          @ensign has done some work with a moving/drifting sensor stations: https://www.fondriest.com/news/hydrosphere-drifter-brings-lagrangian-sampling-freshwater.htm

          The way Monitor My Watershed’s da

        • #13306
            Thanks @Sara,
            I was aware of the floating sensors, I didn’t know they connected to a GIS and the company listed doesn’t seem to exist anymore. That was a very cool project though, do you
          • #13307
            Sara Damiano
              Scott Ensign, formerly of Planktos Instruments, is now at Stroud. (He’s @ensign.)

              I don’t know how “unusual” trajectory data is, but, at least in long term stream monitoring,

            • #13308
              Scott Ensign
                Hi Oscamo. Indeed, I was formerly at Planktos Instruments but now at the Stroud Center. In responding to
              • #13309
                  Thanks @ensign and @srgdamiano, for your reply. Scott, I saw a write up of your floating buoy some time ago and really wanted to find out what happened to it. That was cool stuff!

                  My project is a

                • #13313
                  Sara Damiano
                    @ensign – yup, it’s a nice video. But… creating a video like that automatically for every set of uploaded trajectory data is just a little bit more difficult than making a
                  • #13318
                      Thanks @srgdamiano, this is a great way to display the data and I think my application is simpler than that. In principle, I want to create “spot” checks of sampled data similar to what h
                    • #13321
                      Sara Damiano
                        Hm. I’m not quite sure I follow you.

                        It sounds like you have a sensor package that you deploy at one spot for a while, then you stop it, pack it up, and move it somewhere else. After some tim

                      • #13323
                          Hm. Thanks @srgdamiano, thats one way of doing it. The use case I envisage is pretty simple. Lets take a single technician with a portable water quality monitor, like a YSI or something. He/She d
                        • #13330
                          Sara Damiano
                            It sounds like what you’re really after is a good LIMS system to help your technicians ties measurements to the correct sites and then visualize them all together on a map. The MontitorMW porta
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