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MMW is down

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed MMW is down


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  • Author
    • #15048
      Jake Lemon

        I’m getting a “bad gateway” message when trying to access MMW.

      • #15049
        Heather Brooks

          Thanks for reporting, and thanks to @mbarney for opening a GitHub issue. The development team is taking a look.

        • #15050
          Heather Brooks

            The problem has been addressed and Monitor My Watershed is back up. Thanks for your patience.

          • #15270
            Jim Moore
              I noticed this week that the TSA charts can not be scaled with the mouse scroll button but they can be shifted.  Something changed since I was able to scale and move any of the displayed parameters.
            • #15271
              Dave Bressler
                Jim Moore (@w3asa), I wasn’t able to replicate your problem re the mouse scrolling.  I was able to expand and shrink the y-axis with my mouse wheel.  You can’t do this on the x-axis but
              • #15272
                Dave Bressler

                  Thanks Robert S. Jim @w3asa your mouse wheel must be broken. And as Robert S points out the x-axis can be scrolled on within the graph itself, just not on the axis or the range at the bottom.

                • #15280
                  Jim Moore
                    My problem is that GMI_EC1 has conductivity spikes up to 900,ooo µS. The TSA chart auto scales to that level.  If I hover over EC axis and
                  • #15281
                    Jim Moore

                      btw Robert S response didn’t show up in this thread

                      • #15284
                        Heather Brooks
                          @w3asa @dbressler @movingplaid Jim is correct: comments made in the activity stream on the homepage do not get applied to the forum. This is a flaw in the software that runs the activity stream. I thi
                      • #15282
                        Jim Moore

                          I just tried this with Safari on my iMac and the scroll works to change scale so must be a Chrome problem which I typically use.  I have Chrome Version 89.0.4389.82 (Official Build) (x86_64)

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