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Mayfly RS232 Compatability (TTL to RS232 adapter?)

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly RS232 Compatability (TTL to RS232 adapter?)

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    • #2312

        My name is Stephen, and I’m super excited to be joining the Mayfly community! With my first project, I am hoping to interface an eosGP pCO2 sensor with the Mayfly. Eosense has a very tho

      • #2313
        Jim Moore
          Hi Stephen-

          Generally all you need is a diode (1n914) and clamp resister, 10 K, to the 3.3 Volt bus. This will isolate the higher rs232 voltage from the Mayfly. This is not totally spec (the diode

        • #2314
          Shannon Hicks
            There are several different ways you can approach this. The easiest option is to use a Max232 chip like the one you mentioned from Sparkfun (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11189). If your sensor
          • #2315
              Wow! Thank you both for the quick replies and the advice! I think the Max232 chip will end up being our best option. The sensors have DB-9 only on the serial communication portion, but not on the powe
            • #2326
              Ed Verhamme
                According to the photos of your CR1000 you were using COM4. The only true RS232 port on the CR1000 is the DB-9 RS232 port.. all of the C1 to C8 I/O are TTL voltages. So you might not need any volt
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