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Mayfly low battery voltage readings

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly low battery voltage readings

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    • #15230
      Matt Barney
        I believe that the Mayfly is reporting a battery voltage that’s erroneously low. I have a 4400mAh lipo that measures 4.16V fully charged, and I’m connecting it to the Mayfly on my desk and
      • #15231
        Shannon Hicks
          Sounds like it might possibly be this issue:  https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/innacurate-lipo-battery-voltage-data/

          I’ve only seen it happen on a few boards since that post a couple years ago.

        • #15233
          Matt Barney
            Aha – I think that must be it. I retested with a new Mayfly, and its reported voltage agrees with my multimeter within 0.1V. The old Mayfly (s/n is either 180080 or 190080) was probably purchase
          • #15236
              Sorry Matt for the lingo – its hardware speak. 🙂  It was on at least two Mayfly 0.5b that I measured.!!  I now measure the LiIon via the ADS1115 – here is what the two measurements look
            • #15246
              Matt Barney
                Hi Neil,

                I’m powering the Turner Turbidity Plus via the Mayfly’s 3.3V, and its average current draw during wiper cycles is 109mA.

                Thanks for sharing your wingboard. As far as wiring, I h

              • #15249
                  Hi Matt, that’s great it can do the wiper at 3.3V.

                  I’m using the onboard ADS1115 dedicating AA0 for LiIon battery measurement see photo .


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