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Major Set Back-Need Help!

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Major Set Back-Need Help!

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    • #15287
      Cheryl Nolan
        I was just attempting to run one of the last sketches after having the entire unit (including the sensor and cellular boards and antenna) assembled, I was following along with the two workshop videos
      • #15293
          Try uploading a basic blink sketch using the Arduino IDE. I’m not sure from your description if the board even could be fried from what you did, but going back to something really basic would te
          • #15296
            Cheryl Nolan
              Is this what you’re looking for? I got an error on that too and I don’t have the board connected to the computer yet. I was just trying to do the first steps in the Arduino program.


          • #15298
              Are you working through a tutorial to learn how to do this? Here’s a link to some tutorials. https://www.envirodiy.org/mayfly/software/

              If you are just getting started with Arduino, I recommend

              • #15299
                Cheryl Nolan
                  Thanks, I was more than 3/4 of the way through the two 3-hour workshops that Shannon Hicks recorded and had all of the parts connected and all but the Interfacing With Monitor My Watershed and the Fin
              • #15301
                Sara Damiano
                  I would say the sound of the disconnect/reconnect isn’t a good sign, but touching the black part of the antenna shouldn’t have caused anything.  If the board shifted onto something metal
                • #15315
                  Cheryl Nolan
                    I have the Com Port coming up now but when I try to run the board temp or now sketches I get an error message “Invalid version ‘0.28.01’ for library in: C:\Users\cnolan\Documents\Ard
                  • #15323
                    Sara Damiano
                      Woops.  The invalid version number was my fault; I screwed up the semantic versioning.  I released a new version yesterday which is identical except for the version number which is now a valid 0.28.
                    • #15402
                      Cheryl Nolan
                        Just wanted to let the folks at Stroud know that I did finally get the Mayfly up and running and I was getting the data sent directly to the Monitor My Watershed site. Thank you all for all of your he
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