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Linking two Mayfly Boards Together

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Linking two Mayfly Boards Together

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    • #17364

        I am having problems with the interference between MODBUS and SDI12 sensors on a Mayfly v0.5 board.  I can remove either one and the other works perfectly, but together I end up with around 20%

      • #17367
          Hi James, if you have the spare jumper cable sockets you could try it and it probably will work.

          The challenge is the Mayfly doesn’t have a lot of capacitive buffering and the LiIon battery per

        • #17372
          Shannon Hicks
            For the past year we’ve had 8 stations using SDI12 CTD sensors and Yosemitech wipered turbidity sensors together on one prototype Mayfly using the EnviroDIY RS-485 half-shield.  It also works w
          • #17376
              Hi @shicks (and thanks @neilh20),

              Thanks for that.  I am using a Yosemitech Y511-A wi

              • #17384
                Shannon Hicks
                  I use pin 22 on line 145 because I’m using a prototype Mayfly board that is able to generate 12v to directly power the external sensors. If you’re using an external 12v source for your sen
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