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Issues on MMW Site

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Issues on MMW Site

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  • Author
    • #15917
      Cheryl Nolan
        I’ve been getting sporadic data recording on my MMW site. I’ve noticed several discrepancies in the data. For example I looked first thing this morning and the last displayed/recorded data
      • #15918
        Shannon Hicks
          Your battery is too low.  This is the same issue that was asked about last week:  https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/battery-failing-in-the-middle-of-the-night/

          Anytime your battery voltage drops belo

        • #15919
          Cheryl Nolan
            Thanks, I turned the solar panel hoping to get more sunlight.

            I’m sorry for the duplication however I did several searches prior to posting but apparently I didn’t include the key words,

          • #15922
            Shannon Hicks
              The website reports on the last time data was received by the website via the cell modem.  So you’ll have data on the card that’s not on the website.  And there are 2 date/time columns i
            • #15923
              Cheryl Nolan

                Ok, thank you Shannon.

              • #15925
                  Just an observation, once the hardware is working nicely, it often takes more software to manage that hardware 🙂  – it’s a broad subject when talking about power   –  the batter
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