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Battery Failing In the middle of the night

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Battery Failing In the middle of the night

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  • Author
    • #15911
      Michael Daniel

        I’ve been having a problem with one of my stations where the battery will fail for a couple of hours sometimes.  I can’t determine if there is a pattern, for example its been clou

      • #15912
        Shannon Hicks
          The data looks to me like the battery voltage dropped in July, someone replaced it with a charged battery on 8/4 and data was continuous, but then on 8/25 someone replaced the battery with the almost-
        • #15914
            Also seems to me the core issue is you lost charging /solar about the end of May.

            Possibly the panels got over grown, or shaded out.

            I have a separate LiIon charger ~ https://www.adafruit.com/produc

          • #15924
            Michael Daniel
              The battery was not replaced again on August 25th, that is the same battery that will no longer charge.  Doesn’t the scale of battery loss and gain look extreme.  I adjusted the solar panel to
            • #15926
                What’s the battery size (maHr)  and solar panel (W)?.  Also which port do you plug the solar panel into?

                I’m wondering though, you are also sampling every 5minutes, do you need it to be

              • #15927
                Shannon Hicks
                  We’ve found that loggers with the Digi cell boards on them have a tendency to act a little squirrely sometimes and give either erroneous readings or cause excessive power draw.  In you case, I&
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