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Invalid and non-unique UUID

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Invalid and non-unique UUID

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    • #15687
        Hello, I am trying to program my mayfly off the simple_logging example code, starting with the on board sensors.

        I am can get the program to build and upload but when I run it, I get a message

      • #15689
          In my code I have the yosemitech sensor set up but in the serial monitor it does not address the sensor at all? Why would that be. I am very new to programming especially the Mayfly data logger and pl
        • #15690
          Shannon Hicks
            When you register a site on Monitor My Watershed you can set it up with various sensor parameters, and once you’ve got all of them entered on the website, you click the “View Token UUID Li
          • #15691
              I am going to using just the SD card for my project. I thought I would need a unique UUID regardless so that was my first attempt at trying for that. So if I am using just the SD I can ignore the Non-
            • #15706
              Shannon Hicks
                You can ignore the warnings to the serial monitor about the UUIDs if you never intend to send data to MMW.  The warnings are just there to help people in case they were using the generic ones when th
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