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Double_logger example modification

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Double_logger example modification

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  • Author
    • #14036
        Hello – I’m attempting to take the double_logger.ino file and modify it for my needs – and would appreciate a little help. I’ve been logging pretty well to MMW with the basic l
      • #14037
        Jim Moore
          @stoltzfus-12osu-edu/ I am in a similar situation with my low cost EC sensor station project.
        • #14041
          Sara Damiano
            @w3asa – I don’t have formal training in computer science or even in electrical engineering.   I have one bachelor’s level degree – in chemistry.


          • #14042
            Sara Damiano
              Also, just so you understand, ModularSensors isn’t powerful enough to “stash” recent data and save it for later.  So when you’re in production and only connecting once an hour
            • #14049
                Sara and Jim, thanks for the replies! Sara, knowing where you are now without formal coding training give me to hope to continue persevering!

                Thanks for the code suggestions! The first – not cr

              • #14052
                Jim Moore
                  I noticed a similar issue regarding response codes when I first got my project uploading to MonMW.

                  Copy of my response on I noticed a similar issue regarding response codes when I first got my project uploading to MonMW.

                  Copy of my response on another forum thread:

                  Couple of questions:
                  I noticed several different response codes from the server – 20x(good) 40x(eror). Yet the data uploaded successfully in both cases. Are these related to signal strength or slow response of the server?

                  Data seems to be uploaded with a 2G signal of -95 dBm so what is the noise floor of the GPRSbee modems?

                  In attempting to solve the missing data issue I deleted GMI_EC2 and reconfigured it and when I uploaded data with the DRWI_CitSci code it showed all four variables. I tried several months ago and that didn’t work. Can anyone explain what’s going on? Perhaps the DRWI_CitSci code has some magic incantation that I missed in my earlier attempts!

                • #14055
                  Sara Damiano
                    @stoltzfus-12osu-edu – that is very interesting to know.  Do you happen to know exactly
                  • #14056
                      <p class=”user-nicename”>@srgdamiano – I wish I had looked prior to updating. It was at least July/August of 19, if not late February/early March of 19. I played around with us
                    • #14057
                        Sara – Do you have any insight/help on why I (mostly) have success why using the logging_to_MMW program, which uses the logDataAndPublish command, but not with the double_logger program using th
                      • #14058
                        Sara Damiano
                          I waded back through my “git blame” and I don’t see any changes I’ve made to the request more recent than 8 months ago, where I removed one single space – from a double s
                        • #14059
                            No, I don’t think it could have been that long ago. I apologize if I led  you down an un-necessary rabbit hole – it very well could have been that the update to the library had no bearing
                          • #14078
                            Sara Damiano

                              No problem!  The wonder of git is that I actually could track back pretty quickly how long it had been since any changes were made and what those were.

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