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Campbell Scientific CS-215 SDI-12 communication issues w/ Mayfly

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Campbell Scientific CS-215 SDI-12 communication issues w/ Mayfly

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  • Author
    • #12273
      David Lutz
        Hi everyone,

        We have made some good strides getting a Mayfly logger network started here in New Hampshire thanks to all the information here on Enviro-DIYs forums. We can now collect measurements fro

      • #12275
        Sara Damiano
          Hm. I’ve done some pretty extensive rewriting of the sdi-12 library in the last month or so. Do you know which version of the library you are using? Can you try updating to the most recent versi
        • #12287
          David Lutz
            Hi Sara,

            Thank you for getting back to me. I’ll check the version of the library we have and will capture the serial output. We won’t be having a lab meeting until Tuesday so I will send

            • #12288
              David Lutz
                Hi Sara,

                We spent several hours today trying to work with the CS-215. We did update and use the most recent library (1.3.1) but were still having issues with the two examples. For the address change

            • #12289
              Sara Damiano
                Hm. I doubt the mid-character times are the problem, but it is possible that the break or marking times are causing problems. You can try tweaking them a bit on the very top of the SDI12.cpp file.


                • #12328
                  David Lutz

                    Just to loop back – we were in touch with Campbell and their suggestion was also along the lines of the 3.5V voltage requirement. In the meantime, we picked up a Meter Group (formerly Dec

                • #12290
                  Sara Damiano
                    I’m sorry, I just looked back at your link from the first page and they mentioned they were using a Mega, which should be 5V. I don’t know. I don’t have any other guesses. Do you h
                  • #12569
                    David Lutz
                      Hi everyone,

                      Just an update here. Due to the issues with the CS-215, we ultimately decided to go with the Meter Group’s ATMOS-41. It worked seamlessly with the Mayfly and our script and we had

                    • #12787
                      Greg Cutrell

                        Just curious if you ever revisited this issue over the winter? I am having the exact same issue with a Viasala WXT530 and YSI EXO. I did find a post where I guy successfully got his WXT530 to w

                      • #12801
                        David Lutz

                          We never revisited the issue and instead just gave the address to the CS-215 via a CS logger. I know that our team installed an ATMOS-14 at the site, and got around power issues by just powerin

                          • #12802
                            Shannon Hicks
                              We’ve used a Mayfly successfully with a variety of SDI-12 sensors from different manufacturers, including ones that require 9v or 12v excitation. I usually use a custom simple logic level conve
                          • #12809
                            Greg Cutrell

                              Thanks Shannon. Could you share the logic converter you have had success with? I like to give another logic converter a shot.

                            • #12811
                              Shannon Hicks
                                I had one project recently that required more than 30 Mayfly boards where each would interface with one SDI-12 soil moisture sensor array that requires 9v excitation. So I drew up this little custom
                                • #12827
                                  Greg Cutrell
                                    Thanks Shannon! This is a clean way to implement a logic board to power converter! I have finally successfully retrieved and saved 18 values from our YSI EXO2, which itself requires a signal output ad
                                    • #12829
                                      Sara Damiano
                                        The “base” (master) branch of the SDI12 library should claim all possible on change interrupts so you don’t need to mess with calling them yourself. You only need to define the inter
                                  • #12832
                                    Greg Cutrell
                                      Unless you can make a large enough buffer to accommodate 20-30 values the full proof other option is to have a way a to check if the number of received values equal the number of expected from concurr
                                      • #14878
                                        Sara Damiano

                                          I *finally* incorporated this when adding support for an InSitu RDO PRO-X.  I started working on it and it took me a while to find where I’d talked about it before.

                                      • #12833
                                        Sara Damiano
                                          @gregcutrell – The _numReturnedVars isn’t a “user set” variable in the typical way you might be thinking of it. It is *not* intended to be set by a user in a program. It̵
                                          • #12834
                                            Greg Cutrell
                                              @saradamiano – I was going to bring up the _numReturnedVars issue when also doing a pull request for the YSI EXO. There are sensors out there, like the YSI sondes, where users typically set thei
                                              • #12835
                                                Sara Damiano

                                                  I haven’t encountered those sensors yet. Hmmm..

                                            • #14103

                                                As it seems the Enviro lib still have the same problem with the CS215, I think I actually found a fix, so i wanted to share it with you guys.

                                                I’ve updated the Arduino thread linked in the

                                              • #14255
                                                David Lutz
                                                  Wow! That is amazing – and very helpful! I thought it may be an issue with a line in the library – we migrated to Meter group sensors which seemed to work – perhaps because of their
                                                • #14257
                                                    Looking at this posts as a discussion on general SDI-12, I have the Mayfly interface working for a Insitu LT500 Water Level monitor in a prototype capacity.

                                                    The LT500 requires an 8-36V Excitation, so

                                                  • #14308
                                                    Sara Damiano
                                                      @nikeaulas What did you set the pin level to while you were waiting the extra time before the commands for the Campbell?
                                                    • #14337
                                                        I left it at the “marking” level. Here is your typical CS215 SDI-12 frame with said modification to the lib. I think this is an ADDR request (I decoded it but can’t find my notes any
                                                      • #14357
                                                        Sara Damiano
                                                          Did you try adding the wait to the break before the marking?  Does that work?

                                                          I modified the SDI-12 library to allow an optional extra warm-up delay, but I but the wait while the line was in break/s

                                                        • #14358
                                                            That is true, I missed this in the spec. I did not try to add it while at at “break level”.

                                                            I’m guessing most (if not all) SDI-12 sensors wake up on a rising edge then start their t

                                                          • #14548
                                                              I can confirm Sara’s idea to wait before the marking and not during seems to be more reliable, I had an issue where (rarely) the sensors did not answer to a measurement request, this seems to fi
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