Greg Cutrell replied to the topic Monitoring Buoy on Reservoir/Lake in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 3 years ago
If your only interested in a month of data and not concerned about a long-term deployment, I would just put the Mayfly/hardware/batteries in a nice IP 67 or 68 enclosure with a voltaic solar panel and strap it to a something like a spare buoy. The picture attached isn’t pretty but would probably work for long-term deployment in small inland lakes.
Greg Cutrell replied to the topic LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass library integration into ModularSensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks! Bummer about not being able to average out samples over a period of time but I understand the power limitations for a normal mayfly system.
The double logger was going to be my fall back so we can at least save some higher frequency data. I was using the Decagon5TM sensor as an example but was getting an warning on the…[Read more]
Greg Cutrell replied to the topic LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass library integration into ModularSensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
On the topic of averaging. It seems the averaging parameter takes a number of consecutive measurements. I thought the measurement_time variable might offset each consecutive measurements but it doesn’t seem to work that way, just the initial measurement. Is this correct? I have been playing around in the SDI12Sensors.cpp file and was sure if I…[Read more]
Greg Cutrell replied to the topic LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass library integration into ModularSensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for the update confirmation and information about when the calculated variable takes place. I’ll see how much time I can spend on the best way to integrate the compass. The best way to is to call it in a custom .cpp file for the wind sensor, which is SDI-12. That way every every time the wind data is requested from the sdi-12 sensor the…[Read more]
Greg Cutrell replied to the topic LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass library integration into ModularSensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks Sara! My I2C port is not switched and confirmed that it had 3.3V. I didn’t think about looking into what the begin() function is actually doing. It turns out applying the begin() before every compass object creating did the trick!
As for actually saving the compass data could I create a constructor for a calculated variable where the value…[Read more]
Greg Cutrell started the topic LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass library integration into ModularSensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
While getting the Mayfly into the water quality buoy world we got a couple LSM303’s to calculate the compass direction at which the mayfly is facing. It uses I2C and is really easy to get running using the tutorial at https://learn.adafruit.com/lsm303-accelerometer-slash-compass-breakout/coding. Adafruit’s library for the sensor at https://github.c…[Read more]
Greg Cutrell replied to the topic Campbell Scientific CS-215 SDI-12 communication issues w/ Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
@saradamiano – I was going to bring up the _numReturnedVars issue when also doing a pull request for the YSI EXO. There are sensors out there, like the YSI sondes, where users typically set their own sdi-12 output so you can’t really create a header that has variables and variable counts set in there. It really needs to be done in the ino file.…[Read more]
Greg Cutrell replied to the topic Campbell Scientific CS-215 SDI-12 communication issues w/ Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
Unless you can make a large enough buffer to accommodate 20-30 values the full proof other option is to have a way a to check if the number of received values equal the number of expected from concurrent result command. If it doesn’t then increase the dataOption value from D0! to D1! and so on. I piggy-backed off your code SDI12Sensors code and…[Read more]
Greg Cutrell replied to the topic Campbell Scientific CS-215 SDI-12 communication issues w/ Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks Shannon! This is a clean way to implement a logic board to power converter! I have finally successfully retrieved and saved 18 values from our YSI EXO2, which itself requires a signal output adapter to transmit SDI-12, using the modular sensors library. This was done without using a logic converter and powering the EXO externally with…[Read more]
Greg Cutrell replied to the topic Campbell Scientific CS-215 SDI-12 communication issues w/ Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks Shannon. Could you share the logic converter you have had success with? I like to give another logic converter a shot.
Greg Cutrell replied to the topic Campbell Scientific CS-215 SDI-12 communication issues w/ Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 12 months ago
Just curious if you ever revisited this issue over the winter? I am having the exact same issue with a Viasala WXT530 and YSI EXO. I did find a post where I guy successfully got his WXT530 to work back in 2017 (https://hankpai.weebly.com/sandbox/arduino-data-logger-vaisala-some-code). We are powering the devices with 9V and able to change…[Read more]
Greg Cutrell became a registered member 5 years, 12 months ago