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best practices enabling debugging modular sensors using platformIO

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger best practices enabling debugging modular sensors using platformIO

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    • #12990
        Dear all,
        I have quite some trouble to enable debugging. In the header files (.h) of the modular sensors library you can enable debugging by uncommenting a debugging statement. However working form p
      • #12991
        Sara Damiano
          You can also enable all of the debugging using a build flag in your platformio.ini. The result is exactly the same as if you un-comment the line in the header. You can add flags for any (or all) of
        • #12992

            @srgdamiano, does this mean that
            is no longer needed in the lib_deps?
            (In other words, is Stream Debugger now in Modular Sensors?)

          • #12993
            Sara Damiano
              Oh, and just to note about those other build flags:

              -DSDI12_EXTERNAL_PCINT – this tells the library that you don’t want the SDI-12 library to try to monopolize the interr

            • #12994
              Sara Damiano

                @fisherba – StreamDebugger is only needed if you include it in your program; it isn’t and never was a dependency of ModularSensors or TinyGSM. It’s not included in ModularSensors.

              • #12995
                  Thanks for all the information, this was very helpful. If I try to build using the following build flags,

                • #12999
                  Sara Damiano

                    I’m sorry I’ve not responded. I’m honestly baffled by the errors.

                    Could you show your whole ini and a shot of the contents of your .pio/libdeps/mayfly folder?

                  • #13000
                      I have been doing some testing to better understand what is happening. I first tried to build and compile the same example in my deployments folder, that I made during the Learn EnviroDIY Programming
                    • #13001
                      Sara Damiano
                        I found the issue with the ThingSpeakDebugger. It’s now been fixed. It might take until tomorrow before PlatformIO “sees” the new version though.

                        To update your libraries in your

                      • #13064

                          Thanks a lot, ThingSpeakDebugger is working!

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