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Solar Radiation

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Solar Radiation

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    • #2265
        I am looking to use a Mayfly with a solar radiation sensor. It’s a simple, 3-wire analog sensor and I think it’s standard in weather station equipment. Does anyone have experience doing th
      • #2267
        Shannon Hicks
          I have used several solar radiation sensors with my Mayfly boards, so it’s possible, however it really depends on what the excitation voltage of the sensor is, and what the analog signal’s
        • #2269
            Thanks for the response. We’re using an Apogee SP-110, which is self-powered (doesn’t draw from the battery) and provides output in the range of 0-250 mV. The 3 wires go to a positive and
          • #2271
            Shannon Hicks
              The Apogee SP-110 will work fine with the Mayfly. Just connect the signal wires to AA0 and AA1 (the aux analog inputs) and do a differential measurement. You’ll need to use the Adafruit_ADS1x1
            • #2272
                Thanks again. We’ll probably stick with the SP-110 since we have a few already in the lab. I found in a datalogger manual that they recommend using it as a single-ended analog sensor, where the
              • #2273
                Shannon Hicks
                  Sure, if the manual says it’s okay to ground the sensor’s negative signal wire, then you can just connect the sensor’s ground and negative signal wires to a “GROUND” pin
                • #2352

                    I own a SP-212 sensor. Could you please share the code for SP-212 to work with arduino mega 2560 and also arduino uno? I’m not using Mayfly.

                  • #2354
                    Shannon Hicks
                      The code I posted above is for when you use a ADS1115 16-bit ADC. If you’re using a standard Uno or Mega board, you’ll have to use the regular 10-bit ADC, unless you’re planning to
                    • #17145
                        Hi all, I own a SP-110 Apogee sensor. I am working the sensor with DOIT ESP32 Devkit Board V1. Could anyone please check the code and see if the code is done correctly?  Do I need to include any libr
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