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Availability Grove 6-Pin Screw Terminal Stereo Jack Adapter

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Availability Grove 6-Pin Screw Terminal Stereo Jack Adapter

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  • Author
    • #15081
      Cheryl Nolan
        Does anyone know the availability of the Grove 6-Pin Screw Terminal Stereo Jack Adapter? I found one place that’s selling it for $7 but the shipping is $25. I currently have two of the plug in a
      • #15084

          Since that has 3 ground lines, wouldn’t a 4-pin work?

        • #15085
          Cheryl Nolan

            I don’t know, I’m just going off of the parts list that I have. It may, since the sensor only has 4 wires.

          • #15086
              Perfect. Go with a 4 pin. The 3.5 mm jack only has 4 pins/connections over the length of the jack. Here’s a photo that might help. You can find a lot about how these are mapped for audio (left,
            • #15087
              Shannon Hicks
                We used to sell the 6-pin screw terminal boards on Amazon, but don’t anymore.  We do offer a 5-pack in our EnviroDIY ship page if you want to buy 5 all at once:  https://www.envirodiy.org/prod
              • #15094
                • #15096
                  Cheryl Nolan

                    Thanks but I can’t use the jack end. I have to be able to plug in a jumper wire that then plugs directly into a board.

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