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Atlas Scientific Sensors and Carrier Board Compatibility

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Atlas Scientific Sensors and Carrier Board Compatibility

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  • Author
    • #15570
        Hello All,

        I’m a beginner and am working on building a monitoring station using Atlas Scientific sensors and EZO circuits. I need to electrically isolate the circuits and connect my sensors via

      • #15571
        Shannon Hicks
          The EnviroDIY Mayfly Data Logger board is unlike standard Arduino boards (like the Uno) in so many ways that there was no easy way to use the regular Arduino board pinouts on the Mayfly.  So that mea
        • #15572

            Thanks for your help, Shannon! I appreciate it.


          • #15588
            Scott Ensign
              Fiona, if you haven’t already found it, check out Adam Gold’s blog about using the Mayfl
            • #17270

                Fiona, I just joined the forum with the same question. Did the Whitebox T1 work for you (or anyone else out there)?

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