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Atlas Scientific Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Not Reading

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Atlas Scientific Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Not Reading

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  • Author
    • #17625
      James T
        I am working on programming a Mayfly Data Logger v1.1. I am using the Simple_Logging program in Visual Studio and the PlatformIO. I am attempting to connect an Atlas Scientific DO sensor to the logger
      • #17628
        James T

          Not sure how to post the code, nor do I know which code to post.

        • #17630
          Shannon Hicks
            How are you connecting the sensor to the Mayfly (what pins for data and power and what jack), and are you putting the Mayfly to sleep between readings?  Is the sensor being powered constantly or are
            • #17631
              James T
                I have tried various configurations. I have connected it to the I2C Grove slot, and I have connected it to the SDA & SCL pins. As for the power, I have gotten power through the Grove connector, an
            • #17634
              Shannon Hicks
                Most I2C devices don’t like having the power to the device cut and the reapplied, which is why the Vcc pin of the Mayfly’s I2C Grove jack is constantly powered.  All the other Grove jacks
              • #17642
                Sara Damiano
                  It’s been a long time since I played with the Atlas sensors, but from my notes, power cycling them can cause the whole logger to crash. If you want to power down Atlas sensors between readings,
                • #18390


                    Did you ever resolve this? I’m having the same issue.


                  • #18411
                    Michael Daniel
                      I have both a pH and a DO sensor working on one of my data loggers., and I’ve had up to four Atlas Scientific sensors working at once using a sensor bridge:

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