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504 Response Code

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger 504 Response Code

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    • #15325
      Danielle IWI
        I’m working on getting our 14 stations ready for deployment and had two stations give a 504 response code on Arduino and then not appear on envirodiy.org though they are saving data to the SD ca
      • #15327
        Sara Damiano
          Do you see any connections or activity from the SIM cards on Hologram?  Sometimes it takes a really long time to connect to the network with a new SIM card, a new modem, or at a new location.

          Are yo

        • #15328
          Sara Damiano
            I should add that we haven’t figured out why some connect right away and others don’t.  So even with an apparently identical batch of sims and modems, it wouldn’t surprise me if som
          • #15329
            Danielle IWI
              Yes, the SIM cards are appearing as active on Hologram.

              We had three staff try it separately, pulling the tokens and UUIDs each time from MMW so I’m assuming their correct.  We could try anoth

            • #15330
              Sara Damiano
                Hmm.  Does Hologram show any data being transferred?

                Monitor My Watershed is known to sometimes drop or not respond for no apparent reason.  But usually if one station is working all the time and a

              • #15333
                  In addition to what Sara said (she’s the best!) about the UUIDs for the station when I’m doing that many stations at once I easily also miss an occasional apn = “hologram”.


                • #15336
                  Shannon Hicks
                    I saw this happen with someone recently who was having the same issue with data not showing up online and getting the 504 response code.  Turns out it was a missing UUID in the list of sensor variabl
                  • #15337
                    Sara Damiano
                      Doh, yes, Shannon’s right!  I didn’t look closely enough before I deleted it, but there probably is a missing UUID!

                      Looking back, I replaced all the UUID’s with <<REMOVED>

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