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Reply To: Continous HAB monitoring

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Continous HAB monitoring Reply To: Continous HAB monitoring


    Hi Shannon,

    I ordered a C-FLOUR not realizing that the modular sensor library only has compatibility with the Cyclops-7F, even though you mentioned the Cyclops in your earlier post.

    Based on what a rep has told me, Turner is starting to phase out their Cyclops-7F sensors and replacing them with the C-FLUOR sensors, since parts are getting harder to source.  They said the C-FLUOR units are backwards compatible since the hardware is very similar. https://docs.turnerdesigns.com/t2/doc/comparison-guides/S-0245.pdf Based on that PDF it looks like C-FLOUR is more accurate (for Phycocyanin), faster, and calibrated.

    Is there any chance the C-FLOUR can be added to the library? And possibly add an example code too?

    Thank you!