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Reply To: Artifactual troughs and flickers in recorded stream depth

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Artifactual troughs and flickers in recorded stream depth Reply To: Artifactual troughs and flickers in recorded stream depth


    As you say from 2nd sept – something changed, after that it looks to me like its is triggered by the temperature changes. Its just a visual analysis, but also using the conductivity. With a rain event the conductivity also typically changes, and of course temperature can change.

    For daily diurnal cycle after sept 2 the temperature starts varying by about 3C a day. before that it was about 2C a day.

    The Metros_hyrdos21 Gen2 specification says “NOTE: Depth measurement accuracy assumes no abrupt temperature variations”  .

    All depth sensors/piezo resistive sensors have a temperature co-efficient, and typically have some form of temperature compensation to correct for changing temperature.   For some reason something changed Sept 2 – you might have to forward the info to Metros and see if they can make any suggestions

    Depth and temperature