Richard replied to the topic Water level monitor with a Mayfly. in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 7 years, 7 months ago
Further to my last little input I have managed to get the code to compile and run on my MAYFLY with a MB7389 sonar by changing the #include <Sodaq_PcInt_Mod.h> to #include <Sodaq_PcInt_PCINT0.h> and
#include <SoftwareSerialMod.h> to #include <SoftwareSerial_PCINT12.h>
also a few lines down form there I changed
SoftwareSerialMod sonarSerial(11,…[
Richard replied to the topic Water level monitor with a Mayfly. in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 7 years, 7 months ago
I tried to use this code but it wouldn’t compile due to the #include <Sodaq_PcInt_Mod.h>#include <SoftwareSerialMod.h> libraries not being found. I looked and dowloaded the entire package of libraries from the GITHUB page but still couldn’t find it. any ideas??
Richard replied to the topic Mayfly GPRSbee in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 5 months ago
I am using GPRSbee Rev.4
Richard replied to the topic Mayfly GPRSbee in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for the link, I was more hoping you could help more with code for making the most of the mayfly when it comes to turning the GPRSbee on off.
I am trying to make the battery measurement code send the data via the GPRSbee.
I want to achieve something along the lines of this.
1. Take a measurement of the battery on A6 and convert it to…[Read more] -
Richard started the topic Mayfly GPRSbee in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 5 months ago
I have bought a Sodaq Gprsbee to add to my mayfly and I’m wondering how its best to use it.
I think Thingspeak is where I want to broadcast my data for now and wonder if you have any sketches for the mayfly that will help me get started.
Rich -
Richard replied to the topic Water level monitor with a Mayfly. in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 5 months ago
It’s been a little while since I have had a chance to spend any time on this project but over the last few days I made some time.
Thank you to Danny Waz for your suggestions as they confirmed my suspicions and I have removed the TTL-232 from the Circuit and I am just inverting in code.
I currently have just fudged together all the code that has…[Read more] -
Richard replied to the topic Water level monitor with a Mayfly. in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 6 months ago
As usual Thanks for the support, I have added an RS232-to-TTL converter inline between the board and the mayfly and have had a go with the code you posted with only average success I seemed to be getting every second measurement as a 0 reading and some unreliable repeat-ability.
As I was dubious about the cheap converter I had added to the…[Read more] -
Richard started the topic Water level monitor with a Mayfly. in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 7 months ago
After all the brilliant support I have received from you all regarding my attempts to build this water level monitor using a stalker V3 and finding the shortfalls that came along with it I have just had 2 Mayfly data loggers arrive here in New Zealand and I am looking forward to getting them into the wild.
From reading the other forums here I…[
Richard replied to the topic Seeeduino Stalker v3.0 discussion in the forum Other Data Loggers 8 years, 7 months ago
Awesome, I will be one of the first to buy one once they are back in stock.
The 10 11 pin issue is what seems to have made things screwy all along, Now to go find some free pins, using pin 8 seems to make it cycle through the sleep awake about 4 times before getting another sample. It may still be broken but at least it’s different broken 😉 -
Richard replied to the topic Seeeduino Stalker v3.0 discussion in the forum Other Data Loggers 8 years, 7 months ago
I have just double checked the jumpers I soldered across P2 and P3 as you say to make sure it was not some sort of dry joint problem and all seems well.
The problem I am having it seems is that the software serial is not playing ball after the first sleep, wake up cycle. I have just tried the re allocating sonar onto pin 8 instead of pin 11 and…[Read more] -
Richard replied to the topic Seeeduino Stalker v3.0 discussion in the forum Other Data Loggers 8 years, 7 months ago
Ok so I have the sensor reading well with the code above and I have a sample of the seeduino datalogger that also seems to work but I cant seem to embed one code to the other and have it keep working. it just seems to put the poor little arduino into a coma after taking and writing one sample to the SD card.
Ill attach the datalogger code and…[
Richard replied to the topic Seeeduino Stalker v3.0 discussion in the forum Other Data Loggers 8 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the help, I really appreciate the well commented code as I really have no idea whats going on without it.
I tried your code and perhaps I was having data issues because Of something I did or because of a different sensor but I was getting quite a few out of sync readings that would throw a spanner in the works for using the data…[Read more] -
Richard replied to the topic Seeeduino Stalker v3.0 discussion in the forum Other Data Loggers 8 years, 7 months ago
Hi guys. I was really impressed with your early Seeduino Stalker ultrasonic water level sensor and I have tried to build one of my own.
I was not fast enough to get hold of your Mayfly so have used a Seeduino Stalker V3 and I have been struggling to get my code to work.
I have used a maxbotix 7360 sensor and want to try to record the Serial output…[Read more] -
Richard became a registered member 8 years, 7 months ago