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Mayfly GPRSbee

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly GPRSbee

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    • #1715
        I have bought a Sodaq Gprsbee to add to my mayfly and I’m wondering how its best to use it.
        I think Thingspeak is where I want to broadcast my data for now and wonder if you have any sketches
      • #1716
        Shannon Hicks
          We have been using a homemade database system that I developed a few years ago, and it’s not ready for widespread release just yet. So in the meantime, you can probably use Thingspeak, but I al
        • #1717
            Thanks for the link, I was more hoping you could help more with code for making the most of the mayfly when it comes to turning the GPRSbee on off.
            I am trying to make the battery measurement code sen
          • #1719
            Shannon Hicks
              What version of the GPRSbee do you have? The latest hardware version uses different code commands for toggling it on and off. I’ve successfully used the latest 3 versions of the GPRSbee with t
              • #1720

                  I am using GPRSbee Rev.4

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