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  • lilcano posted an update 6 years, 12 months ago

    Has any one here worked on sending and receiving data from any SDI-12 based sensor using XBee RF radios? Please help with a sample sender and receiver code(Python if possible)

  • I have used the SDI-12 library with the decagon 5TM sensors without any issues, but tried the stevens hydra-probes and can’t get any values from the sensors. So my guess is the library doesn’t work with the hydra-probes, Please has any one worked with this sensors using the SDI-12 library?

  • Hello,

    I have used the SDI-12 library with the decagon 5TM sensors without any issues, but tried the stevens hydra-probes and can’t get any values from the sensors. So my guess is the library doesn’t work with the hydra-probes, Please has any one worked with this sensors using the SDI-12 library?

  • Hello,

    Has any one gotten to use the SDI-12 library with the Stevens hydra probe soil sensor? Please can you provide a sample sketch on how to communicate to this sensors and collect data from them?


  • Hello Hicks,

    Thanks for the reply, the sensors are buried completely in the soil as for the length i did not really measure that. Please see the attached file for the complete sketch running on the Arduino, and let me know what you think.

    /*This is the first code for taking data from the 5TM sensor and showing it on the Arduino serial mornitor…

    [Read more]

  • Hello Sara,

    Thanks for the reply, attached is a copy of the actual raw data and the sensor and arduino are actually places in a field(so not a controlled environment). I was expecting the VWC to reduce with time and not the sinusoidal behavior, Equally the Ea will give similar curve because its used to calculate the VWC using the Topps equation.…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    I just checked again and yes i am plotting the VWC. As for the collection of the data i am actually using an SD card shield on the arduino to store the data. As you can see from the image there are two curves each one for the different sensors placed at the same location. After getting this results i decided to take out the SD card shield…[Read more]

  • Hello,
    Thanks for the quick response.Bellow is the sketch running on the arduino Uno R3. The devices where actually tested on the field(not in a controlled environment).The results shown on the plot is VMC collected every minute from the sensors. Actually the VWC is expected to reduce with time, these results are collected over a period of 3…[Read more]

  • Hello,
    so i am using the SDI-12 library at https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Arduino-SDI-12.git to collect Ea and VWC data from the decagon 5TM sensors attached to an arduino Uno R3. Using the attached sketch, unfortunately the results obtained are inconsistent after several days of data collections. as shown in the plot of the different data points.…[Read more]

  • i tied changing the baud rate as you suggested, but unfortunately i see the characters when i print use the arduino software serial monitor. when i use the X-ctu console i don’t have the characters.

    Wondering do you have any specific arduino boards you will recommend for use in outdoor experiments?


  • What I mean by “its not working” is, I still have some extra characters on the Arduino serial monitor when the message “goodnight moon” is printed.
    I am using an FTDI cable 5V VCC-3.3V I/O to program the Arduino Fio.
    During the programming I make sure the Xbee is not on the Fio board.
    For the configuration of the Xbee modules I used the XCTU…[Read more]

  • Bellow is a sample sketch I am trying to run to make sure I get the software serial going but still it doesn’t work.

    #include <SoftwareSerial.h>

    SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX

    void setup() {
      // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
      while (!Serial) {
        ; // wait for serial port to conn…[Read more]

  • I am transmitting the data to another xbee connected to my computer with the help of the xbee explorer and its setup as coordinator. I tried using the softwareSerial library and connecting the Tx and Rx ports to pins 10 and 11, but the results did not get better. Please let me know if you have any other idea.

  • I am using the Arduino Fio, because it has Xbee slots already available on the board. As of the board rate when programming the Xbee I set them to 57600. So I think that’s not the problem. I am trying to see how many hardware serial ports Fio has. I will think they should have more than 1 port for the transmission since they already support xbee…[Read more]

  • Hello Shannon,

    I implemented the wireless communications using Xbee S2, I do get the data from the sensors using your code but the serial mornitor gives some extra junk data as shown in the attached screen short. I am trying to figure out how to eliminate that, Can you please help.


  • I tried placing an order for the mayfly board on amazone but it looks like they are not available and it says they don’t know when next the board will be available for ordering. Do you have any idea where i could buy the board?

  • I plan on making this project interesting that way I get a better understand on how to work with the Arduino and the SDI12 sensors. I am thinking of wireless transfer of the data using ZigBee, then adding memory card shields on the Arduino to store the collected data locally. So do you have any pointers that could help me achieve these extra…[Read more]

  • Thanks, I followed all the steps above and connected the sensor to the Arduino and all works great. I can get data from the sensor now. Just a quick question if I want to connect several sensors to the Arduino will the 5V be enough or I will have to use an external power supply making sure both the supply and Arduino have the same ground?.

    Thank…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the reply, the reason I used an external power supply is because when I connected the sensor wires to the Arduino board, and ran the address change example the sensor couldn’t be found by the code so the code continued searching for a sensor in a continues loop. Let me try every step you have recommended and hopefully I get some data…[Read more]

  • Tried the code again and followed the steps as mentioned above, but can’t still get data from the sensor on the Arduino serial monitor. attached is the section of the code I edited to work just for a single sensor and the connection of the sensor to the board. Please help with what I am doing wrong.

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