FHB-logger replied to the topic ESP32 not reading SDI12 Implexx sap flow sensor when 35oC in the forum Other Data Loggers 1 years, 12 months ago
It’s a custom data logger that for the SDI12 connection basically connects pins to screw terminal. We are using a 12v 16 ah sealed lead acid battery. I did try 5v nimh with a 1A setup 12v buck previously and it had problems with the sap flow. All other sensors work fine with the stepup. I am using the EZSCB ant esp32. It has the lowest sleep pow…[Read more]
FHB-logger started the topic ESP32 not reading SDI12 Implexx sap flow sensor when 35oC in the forum Other Data Loggers 1 years, 12 months ago
I have a data logger using the ESP32 and using the EnviroDIY SDI12 library. The library has read all the SDI12 devices I have (Enviroprobe, Sentek probe, Terros 21, Implexx fruit size dendrometer and Implexx trunk dendrometer) successfully except one, the Implexx Sap flow sensor. It cannot get readings from the sensor when the air temperature e…[Read more]
FHB-logger became a registered member 1 years, 12 months ago