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ESP32 not reading SDI12 Implexx sap flow sensor when 35oC

Home Forums Other Data Loggers ESP32 not reading SDI12 Implexx sap flow sensor when 35oC


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    • #17609
        I have a data logger using the ESP32 and using the EnviroDIY SDI12 library.  The library has read all the SDI12 devices I have (Enviroprobe, Sentek probe, Terros 21, Implexx fruit size dendrometer an
      • #17610
        Shannon Hicks

          What board are you using for your datalogger?  And what is your battery and the model of the ESP32 you’re using?

        • #17611
            It’s a custom data logger that for the SDI12 connection basically connects pins to  screw terminal. We are using a 12v 16 ah sealed lead acid battery. I did try 5v  nimh with a 1A setup 12v buck p
          • #17612
            Shannon Hicks
              Without knowing more about what board you’re using for the logger, or the software that runs on it, it’s hard to guess what the problem is with your system.  But I know that when we first
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