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XBee – R410M – Can’t connect

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger XBee – R410M – Can’t connect

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    • #14216

        My name is James.  I am working with a team in New Zealand to deploy Mayfly logging stations at numerous sites in my region.

        I have been given a DigiXBee – R410M modem and I am attempting

      • #14217
        Sara Damiano
          If XCTU doesn’t recognize the XBee3, that’s a pretty bad sign.  How are you attaching your XBee to the computer?  Do you have the USB-C XBee3 carrier?  https://www.digi.com/products/mod
        • #14218
          Sara Damiano

            I’m not sure the best way to confirm that it’s totally bricked.  If you power it up and still have all the pins reading 0 voltage, that’s probably a bad sign.

          • #14220
            Shannon Hicks

              Are you using one of our LTEbee adapters between the Digi Xbee LTE module and the Mayfly board? https://github.com/EnviroDIY/LTEbee-Adapter

            • #14223
                Hi Sara & Shannon,

                Thank you for your quick reply.  Answers to/comments on your questions are as follows:

                • How are you attaching your XBee to the computer?   –
                • #14224
                  Sara Damiano
                    Ok, so you have a stack with a Mayfly, an LTE adapter board, and a XBee3 (3 parts).

                    You don’t have a separate development or carrier board.  All of my comments about the USB-C/USB 3 apply only

                • #14225
                  Sara Damiano
                    To modify the Mayfly to work as a carrier board you’d need to cut and re-solder jumpers SJ8 and SJ9 on the back of the Mayfly to connect Bee Tx and Rx to Tx 0 and Tx 1.  You would want to undo
                  • #14226
                    Sara Damiano
                      Ok, so for testing the XBee with what you have:

                      • check for any blobs of solder on the solder jumpers or any modifications made to either your Mayfly or LTE adapter – let me know if the
                    • #14232
                        Hi Sara,

                        Alas, no light.  I think that explains why I haven’t had any luck! And why the guys at the university passed it on to me to see if I could get it to work.

                        Thanks for your help.


                        • #14240
                          Shannon Hicks
                            There’s also the possibility that the LTEbee adapter board is broken or dead. We’ve had a few rare instances of them not working due to a manufacturing defect on the first batch of boards
                        • #14250
                            Thanks heaps (as we say in NZ) everyone! James is working with us, but is an hour+ drive away. We didn’t test his LTEbee and adapter before handing it to him, so it seems like the best way to tr
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