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Wingshield for Modbus Communication with Isco Signature

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Wingshield for Modbus Communication with Isco Signature

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  • Author
    • #13391
        I am interested in using the Mayfly to monitor the our water sampling stations. Basically, we have a flow monitor (Isco Signature) and an automatic water sampler (Isco 6712) to monitor water quality a
      • #13396
        Sara Damiano
          I’ve only ever used a much older ISCO automated sampler and that only using its internal programming. This is something new to me; I’m skimming your manual. The Signature itself is obvio
        • #13398
          Sara Damiano
            Okay, this should get you pretty far.

          • #13421
              Sara, that’s great, thanks for your response. You are correct – a primary reason I’m hoping to use a Mayfly with the Signature is the telemetry. The Isco modem, while I’m sure
            • #13439
              Sara Damiano
                You should be able to copy that chunk of code and apply it to any variable you’re interested in. You can even grab multiple variables in the same query. In the example I typed up I grabbed all
              • #13440
                Sara Damiano
                  Oops, I was just looking over again the code I gave you and realized there’s a mistake in line 41. The levelStatus should be the inverse of the modbus result since 0 is good. (bool levelStatus
                • #14262
                    Hi Nathan & Sara,

                    I have just purchased an ISCO 6700 auto-sampler to collect some storm flow samples in my region, with the intention of using the data to supplement load calculations.  I would

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