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Ver 0.3 Mayfly Grove Power Supply

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Ver 0.3 Mayfly Grove Power Supply

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  • Author
    • #1621
      John Smutny
        Problem: Haven’t been able to send 5V power to the Digital and Analog Grove Headers. The Headers are constantly supplied with 3.3V

        I have a question about the Notice on the Mayfly “Jumper

      • #1625
        Shannon Hicks
          If you measure 3.3v on the Sw_5v pin, then unfortunately you have a board with the incorrect regulator. There’s no way to get your board to generate 5v unless you replace the regulator. While
        • #1629
          John Smutny
            Ok, I have checked the datasheets to my sensors and none of them output a voltage greater than 3.3V (2 are digital sensors while another supplies a max of 2.4V), so thanks for the heads up.


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