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Using PlatformIO with Mayfly

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Using PlatformIO with Mayfly

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  • Author
    • #1945
      Sara Damiano
        In case anyone else is interested in using an alternative IDE for developing sketches for the Mayfly, here is the json that should work to add the Mayfly to PlatformIO:

      • #1967
        Sara Damiano
          The wonderful people at PlatformIO have now added native support for the Mayfly. Run “platformio update” in the PlatformIO terminal and you will then be able to find the Mayfly in the dro
        • #2057
          Anthony Aufdenkampe
            I also had a very positive support experience with the people from PlatformIO, and have really enjoyed using it in the last few days.

            I had issues with PlatformIO IDE installing because the way I i

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